Home - Battelli sul Tevere
Un servizio per ogni occasione grazie ai nostri battelli che attraversano la città eterna. HOP ON HOP OFF Una fantastica crociera a bordo dei nostri Battelli vi permetterà di ammirare la bellezza di Roma da un punto di vista diverso. Potrete salire e scendere presso i nostri moli situati in punti strategici, come un vero e proprio taxi fluviale. FESTE PRIVATE Noleggia in esclusiva uno dei nostri Battelli per feste private, eventi, cene di lavoro e molto altro. CROCIERA CON CENA Regalatevi un’indimenticabile crociera con cena, gustando i deliziosi pasti della cucina italiana. WINE BAR Unica nel suo genere, la crociera con wine bar vi permetterà di degustare un calice di vino accompagnato da una selezione di sfizi gastronomici.
Crociera sul Tevere, Feste private, Wine Bar, Roma sul Tevere, Crociera con cena, Isola Tiberina – Ponte Sisto Bocca della Verità-Trastevere-Campo De’ Fiori, Castel S. Angelo, Piazza Navona, Piazza di Spagna, Piazza del Popolo, Piazza S.Pietro.
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A service for each occasion thanks to our boats crossing the eternal city.


A fantastic cruise aboard our boats will allow you to admire the beauty of Rome from a different point of view.

You can get on and off at our docks located at strategic points, like a real river taxi.

The boats are equipped with a comment in 7 languages that will give you the opportunity to discover ancient Rome.

Open every day from April 1 to October 31 from 10.00 to 19.00.


Rent exclusively one of our boats for private parties, events, dinners and more.

We will find a solution to make your exclusive event.

You can only rent the boat or to entrust to our catering the success of the evening.

This service is available all year.


Unique of its kind, the cruise with wine bar will allow you to enjoy a glass of wine accompanied by a selection of gastronomic whims.

By purchasing this ticket you will have also included 24h ticket for using the boat the next day as a river taxi.

Departures from Thursday to Sunday 18.00 h at the pier of Castel Sant’Angelo. Duration of the trip 1h



Would you rent our boats for private parties, events, dinners, weddings and other special events?



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